Reparation and improvement of rotary
electric machines
- all types of async and synchronous
electromotors up to 2 MW intensity with roll-rotor and cage-rotor
, voltage from 1 kV to 10 kV
- all types of async and synchronous
electromotors with low frequency tension and cage-rotor
- all types of switchboard electromotors
and generators
- all types of unidirectional and
traction electromotors
- all types of gasoil internal combustion
- all types of transformers and
chokes, electromagnets and electromagnet brakes
- all types of drink-water, mud-water
and liquid waste pumps from reputable producers like KSB, Pleuger,
Odesse, Flygt, Sever, Jugoturbina, Jastrebac etc.
- overall repair and utility range
of different tipes of welding machines